Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sunny days and play dates!

Anara had another day of playing with her friend Jake. He is going home tomorrow and Anara will have to friend another dog. Jake and Anara really bonded in the few days they spent together. Hours of chase games, tugging on ropes, snuggling and grooming each other.  When all is said and done Anara settled down, checked on her pups, groomed them and fell sound asleep. She is one very happy dog right now.

The biggest pup has both eyes open and is starting to haul herself around the enclosure. Chatty Kathy pup has one eye open and talks about the day she will have two eyes open and be trucking around after her sister. They both increased their food intake in the last two days and their growth is hard to miss. Three eyes open… just waiting on that fourth!

Athena had a play date of her own, the human kind. Michelle came over and spent a couple of hours snuggling, training and occupying Athena. Apparently Patrick worked on Athena’s sit pretty behavior yesterday. Michelle picked this up right away when Athena offered her sit pretty over and over again. Athena gave Michelle a ton of behaviors to dream about capturing when Athena is ready to start training. Until her spay incision heals, it is still mostly quiet time for her. Tonight on the menu to liven things up was a stuffed kong, Through a dog’s ear music and a squeaky toy.

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